Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. While I did not make it to Mass (I know, I know...I just didn't), I did observe the fasting and have made my Lenten promises. I am giving up my beloved peanut butter, of which I faithfully devour at least a tablespoon every day of my life. This one will be the hardest for me. It's more of a habit now than anything...it's what I think of as I pull in the driveway after a long workday. Poor Patrick doesn't even get his coat off before I am in the fridge (oh, yes, it has to be refridgerated) with a spoon in hand. So, I am giving it up for 40 long days. I also just bought some, so there is a whole jar just sitting on the shelf in the fridge...taunting me. I'll make it.
I have also given up sweets. That won't be terrible. I think I can hack it.
I would like to start going to the Stations of the Cross services on Friday night, but I don't know which churches are offering this. In the past, I have gone to Holy Spirit at Geist, but I am not driving a half hour for a 45 minute service. I don't have that kind of time. (That sounds awful, but still...)

In searching for a picture of peanut butter, I have also found these cupcakes. They are banana-peanut butter cupcakes, and I honestly cannot imagine a better concoction (except for the pineapple-peanut butter milkshake Adam made for me once when I was 9 months pregnant. Heaven.) I'm going to try to find a recipe. Maybe I'll attempt to make these this weekend. Maybe.
There seem to be a lot of things I would like to do.