What a weekend we had. Looking at the calendar, it seems as though the next few weekends will all be pretty similar. I don't think we ever realized how much we could cram into just a few days, but apparently like to get as much in as possible. We actually talked about making two small walls in our house into a chalkboard area so that we could communicate more efficiently about our plans, as well as leave messages for each other when we go more than 24 hours without ever having a real conversation.
Patrick ventured into the park for the first time. This was a daddy-date, so I was privvy to pictures only, but I was told he had a fabulous time. So fabulous, that he started to doze off in the swing. Bless his tiny baby heart. He's just at the age when he really does play, and he can wear himself out better than we ever could. He tried the slide, the swings, and got to play with Gavin and Nina, of course. This gives me a little insight to how fun he'll likely be this summer. I can't wait. (As it stands, we're having a hard time getting him inside at night. He wants to be out with Indy for hours.)

Also, this weekend was our prom. Prom! Aside from Katie having a tan-line and dress debacle, and my hair not going the way that I had planned for it to go, and poor Ariane toasting herself in the tanning bed that day, we had a lovely time. Lovely. Even the guys had more fun than they had anticipated. Adam said that he wouldn't mind going again next year. How is that for success?