We're in our new house. And it's wonderful. It's a disaster zone and it smells different and there are strange creaks and noises and I can't find anything to wear (an entire box of socks and underwear still missing)--or anything at all, for that matter. It's totally foreign...but it's totally ours and I'm totally happy and totally overwhelmed. If I find the laptop later, I'll fill you in a bit more. Happy Monday (and if you woke up without finding a child has vomited all over your front side, all the happier! Yay for you.)
Later, gators.
The family. We are a little band of characters trudging through life, sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that binds us all together.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
That Hatchie Can Talk!
This is the week we move on out and move on up! That's the great news. The not-so-great news is that our house is in shambles, every wall is lined at least halfway up with boxes, there are no pictures on the walls or fun things to look at. It all makes me very uneasy. (I don't know if I have blogged about this before--probably because it makes me sound crazy--but I get this static in my head when things are disorderly, dusty, or not properly arranged. It is possible to catch OCD tendencies? Because it seems as though Adam has unloaded all of his on me.)
I digress. I need something to take my mind off of all this static, however, so let me tell you a little bit about my sweet baby William:
He talks! Now, I don't mean he babbles or even garbles things that only we understand (well, he does that, too), but he talks! In phrases, at that. Being the youngest of three, we give him no credit for his speaking abilities, as it is just assumed he should talk. Everyone else in this house talks. Why wouldn't the baby?
At fifteen months, Hatch could say:
-Hold this
-Do this
-Mommy go bye-bye
-Choo-choo all gone
-Indy (Dee-Dee) good
-Baby good
-Get diaper
-Go night-night
Now, at sixteen months, he seems to be picking up a little here and a little there from his brothers. Yesterday, as Leo (Hatch's least favorite brother at this moment) was putting on a pair of glasses to wear to a party, Hatch looked right at him with a look of disgust and said, "No Glasses!"
They should be fun in the next couple of years. Between Leo's temper and Hatch's scrappiness, I bet they eventually put on a pretty good show. I can't wait. Between you and I, I'm really very proud that the baby can fight back. It's survival of the fittest around here.
Everything else is going pretty well! My nausea is starting to subside, as is the utter exhaustion (still tired, just not I-could-fall-to-the-ground-right-now kind of tired.) The baby looks great on ultrasound from what I can see, but we go to our first doctor's appointment on Thursday. I'm closing in on twelve weeks, so the office ultrasound should show a tiny little baby and less of a blob! From what I can see, it has fingers and toes, a profile with a nose, the beginnings of ears, and ambiguous parts (they all look the same at this stage...in fact, they all look like boys. This week is the week it'll start changing into whatever it is, so no more self-scans for me. I don't want to risk seeing what it is. What it is is what it is and I'm really quite happy with that.)
Back to packing. Ugh. Three rooms to go.
Next time we chat, it'll be from a new house in total disorder, but one I'm looking forward to being in. Until then!
I digress. I need something to take my mind off of all this static, however, so let me tell you a little bit about my sweet baby William:
He talks! Now, I don't mean he babbles or even garbles things that only we understand (well, he does that, too), but he talks! In phrases, at that. Being the youngest of three, we give him no credit for his speaking abilities, as it is just assumed he should talk. Everyone else in this house talks. Why wouldn't the baby?
At fifteen months, Hatch could say:
-Hold this
-Do this
-Mommy go bye-bye
-Choo-choo all gone
-Indy (Dee-Dee) good
-Baby good
-Get diaper
-Go night-night
Now, at sixteen months, he seems to be picking up a little here and a little there from his brothers. Yesterday, as Leo (Hatch's least favorite brother at this moment) was putting on a pair of glasses to wear to a party, Hatch looked right at him with a look of disgust and said, "No Glasses!"
They should be fun in the next couple of years. Between Leo's temper and Hatch's scrappiness, I bet they eventually put on a pretty good show. I can't wait. Between you and I, I'm really very proud that the baby can fight back. It's survival of the fittest around here.
Everything else is going pretty well! My nausea is starting to subside, as is the utter exhaustion (still tired, just not I-could-fall-to-the-ground-right-now kind of tired.) The baby looks great on ultrasound from what I can see, but we go to our first doctor's appointment on Thursday. I'm closing in on twelve weeks, so the office ultrasound should show a tiny little baby and less of a blob! From what I can see, it has fingers and toes, a profile with a nose, the beginnings of ears, and ambiguous parts (they all look the same at this stage...in fact, they all look like boys. This week is the week it'll start changing into whatever it is, so no more self-scans for me. I don't want to risk seeing what it is. What it is is what it is and I'm really quite happy with that.)
Back to packing. Ugh. Three rooms to go.
Next time we chat, it'll be from a new house in total disorder, but one I'm looking forward to being in. Until then!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Patrick is Five (Almost)
Our Patrick John Edward will be five years old in two short days, and though it pains my heart that he's growing into a kid and out of anything related to a baby or toddler, I am really amazed with the kid he is growing into. He is kind and sensitive, so smart and, let's be fair, a bit attitude-ridden. He has opinions about everything, is a little more cautious about trying new foods, and his vocabulary is rapidly expanding.
Highlights from this week included the incorporation of the following into Patrick's vocabulary:
A few mornings ago, we were up and moving and Patrick was allowed 15 minutes on his DS before breakfast. When his time was almost up, I said, "Alright, Patrick, are you ready for some breakfast now?" Without even looking up, Patrick said, "Oh, no thanks, Mom. I would, but I'm extraordinarily busy." Extraordinarily. Really. Let me show you extraordinarily busy, sweet boy.
Then, on Saturday, I came home from an out-of-town baby shower to find Patrick sitting on the couch with Adam. (Thanks to his new love for all things DS, we've had a few pee accidents when he gets too absorbed in a game to stop and use the bathroom). When I sat down next to him, I said, "Hey, buddy. Any pee in your pants today?" "Eh," he replied, "not excessively." Excessively. Certainly, this was a coincidence and he really didn't know what he was saying. So I asked him to tell me what "not excessively" meant. He didn't hesitate to tell me, "It means not a lot." Touche. He is a smart boy, that Patrick Walden.
Because his birthday is in two days, and I'll have to work (Boo. I know.), we have a moment now to start Patrick's birthday interview.
2.) Do you know when you're going to be five? Of course! On my birthday.
3.) When is your birthday? February 6th. Can I play my DS?
4.) No. How does it feel to be almost five? Um, happy? It does feel really happy. Because I want to be five.
5.) How will your birthday be? It think it will be good.
6.) How do you think the weather will be on your birthday? I don't know. Snowing. Is it going to be snowing for my birthday?
7.) Probably. What is the most important thing you have learned in life so far? How to be extraordinarily busy. (I'm serious. I didn't prompt this.)
8.) How do think you're different than you were a year ago? I don't know. Well, I have different hair. And I'm white.
9.) What is your favorite thing about yourself? That I'm going to be five.
10.) That's it? Yeah. That I'm going to be five.
11.) You are in the Butterfly class this year. How do you like it? I like it because I have friends. Yeah. Are there ten people in kindergarten? Probably not. It's not excessive. (I am not doing this.)
12.) Who is your best friend? Luke & Simeon.
13.) What is one thing you like to learn about? I like to learn about my letters.
14.) Is there anything you would do to make school better? Like...learning? I have no idea what you just said.
15.) Tell me about our family. Uhh. My family is great. My family is good. My family loves me. My family takes care of me. That's all that they do. And they tell me to pick up messes and sometimes I don't. And that's it.
16.) What do you like about being a big brother? I do not know. Being a big brother? Learning about sharing and playing with each other and showing them...like...Otto and toys and Mommy & Daddy stuff.
17.) If you had a whole day to do anything you wanted, what would you do? I would do stuff. Run outside and play. Play with my toys and when you and Dad say I can play my DS, I would do that. That's what I would do.
18.) What is your favorite song? How Bad Can I Be (from the Lorax).
19.) What is your favorite movie? The Lorax.
20.) What is your favorite book? The God Book (Children's Bible).
21.) What is your favorite toy? The toy the baby has right now. Does that make sense?
22.) What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a doctor. Is this the last one?
23.) Not quite. Do you think you will ever get married? Yeah. I just want to get married to my mom.
24.) How old do you think you'll be when you get married? Veeerry old. Like 99 or maybe 60. Probably 60.
25.) What have you learned about girls this year? What do you mean? I don't learn about girls.
26.) What is your favorite food? Broccoli.
27.) What is your favorite candy? Oooooh. I don't eat candy. Haha...I'm kidding. My favorite candy is chocolate.
28.) Are you scared of anything? Nah. I'm not scared of anything.
29.) Is there anything else you'd like to say? No. I would just really like to remember what it's like to be five.
Highlights from this week included the incorporation of the following into Patrick's vocabulary:
A few mornings ago, we were up and moving and Patrick was allowed 15 minutes on his DS before breakfast. When his time was almost up, I said, "Alright, Patrick, are you ready for some breakfast now?" Without even looking up, Patrick said, "Oh, no thanks, Mom. I would, but I'm extraordinarily busy." Extraordinarily. Really. Let me show you extraordinarily busy, sweet boy.
Then, on Saturday, I came home from an out-of-town baby shower to find Patrick sitting on the couch with Adam. (Thanks to his new love for all things DS, we've had a few pee accidents when he gets too absorbed in a game to stop and use the bathroom). When I sat down next to him, I said, "Hey, buddy. Any pee in your pants today?" "Eh," he replied, "not excessively." Excessively. Certainly, this was a coincidence and he really didn't know what he was saying. So I asked him to tell me what "not excessively" meant. He didn't hesitate to tell me, "It means not a lot." Touche. He is a smart boy, that Patrick Walden.
Because his birthday is in two days, and I'll have to work (Boo. I know.), we have a moment now to start Patrick's birthday interview.
Patrick Walden's Official 5th Birthday Interview
1.) How old are you going to be? Five. I'm going to be five. Can you believe that? I'm going to be five and after I'm five, I'm going to be six. (Singing) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, siiiiiiix. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, siiiiixxx.2.) Do you know when you're going to be five? Of course! On my birthday.
3.) When is your birthday? February 6th. Can I play my DS?
4.) No. How does it feel to be almost five? Um, happy? It does feel really happy. Because I want to be five.
5.) How will your birthday be? It think it will be good.
6.) How do you think the weather will be on your birthday? I don't know. Snowing. Is it going to be snowing for my birthday?
7.) Probably. What is the most important thing you have learned in life so far? How to be extraordinarily busy. (I'm serious. I didn't prompt this.)
8.) How do think you're different than you were a year ago? I don't know. Well, I have different hair. And I'm white.
9.) What is your favorite thing about yourself? That I'm going to be five.
10.) That's it? Yeah. That I'm going to be five.
11.) You are in the Butterfly class this year. How do you like it? I like it because I have friends. Yeah. Are there ten people in kindergarten? Probably not. It's not excessive. (I am not doing this.)
12.) Who is your best friend? Luke & Simeon.
13.) What is one thing you like to learn about? I like to learn about my letters.
14.) Is there anything you would do to make school better? Like...learning? I have no idea what you just said.
15.) Tell me about our family. Uhh. My family is great. My family is good. My family loves me. My family takes care of me. That's all that they do. And they tell me to pick up messes and sometimes I don't. And that's it.
16.) What do you like about being a big brother? I do not know. Being a big brother? Learning about sharing and playing with each other and showing them...like...Otto and toys and Mommy & Daddy stuff.
17.) If you had a whole day to do anything you wanted, what would you do? I would do stuff. Run outside and play. Play with my toys and when you and Dad say I can play my DS, I would do that. That's what I would do.
18.) What is your favorite song? How Bad Can I Be (from the Lorax).
19.) What is your favorite movie? The Lorax.
20.) What is your favorite book? The God Book (Children's Bible).
21.) What is your favorite toy? The toy the baby has right now. Does that make sense?
22.) What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a doctor. Is this the last one?
23.) Not quite. Do you think you will ever get married? Yeah. I just want to get married to my mom.
24.) How old do you think you'll be when you get married? Veeerry old. Like 99 or maybe 60. Probably 60.
25.) What have you learned about girls this year? What do you mean? I don't learn about girls.
26.) What is your favorite food? Broccoli.
27.) What is your favorite candy? Oooooh. I don't eat candy. Haha...I'm kidding. My favorite candy is chocolate.
28.) Are you scared of anything? Nah. I'm not scared of anything.
29.) Is there anything else you'd like to say? No. I would just really like to remember what it's like to be five.
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