Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hannah Catherine

Hannah Catherine Groves made her appearance on May 19th, 2014 at 1742, or 5:42pm.  

She is magical.

Here is how it went down:

I was quite literally driving myself crazy in the waiting room.  Every breath I took was a prayer for "the baby." Please, God, make the delivery easy.  Please be good to Colleen.  Please be with Justin.  Please help the baby transition.  Make her ("it," at that time) breathe.  Please, please, please.

And then it was time for the thank-yous.

Justin came walking slowly down the hallway.  If you know Justin, you know how big his smile is, and this was the biggest it has ever been.  His eyes were sparkling.  We hugged hard  as he said, "It was so awesome.  Come on back."

The walk down the hallways was a mile long.  By that, I mean about 35 feet.  But it felt all of a mile, and then there was Colleen, dazed, smiling...with a baby in her arms--a beautiful baby with a head full of fuzzy strawberry hair and a teeny nose and a pretty little heart-shaped mouth.  "I'm a girl baby," Colleen said softly, "my name is Hannah.  Hannah Catherine." My heart exploded.

Have you ever seen a perfect baby? Of course you have.  They are all perfect.  Each one of them.  Including this one:

Welcome to the world, sweetest Hannah.  We have been waiting so long for you! I have so many things to tell you, to show
you, to laugh with you about, but all in good time.  For now, we'll all love you and love your parents and watch as they make you a great, hopeful, beautiful life.  Happy Birthday, little girl.  The world is so happy to have you! 

(PS-I'm still your favorite.)

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014: 1743

Loving God, hold the hands of Colleen now and keep her safe; put Your own Spirit into her very breathing and into the new baby, for whom we wait with awe and hope.  We ask you this through Christ Our Lord.

I'm not even sure how to title this post, as the person about whom I am writing, I have not even met.  But I will soon.

As I type this, I am sitting in my little sister's labor room.  She's 10cm dilated, 100% effaced, and a +1 station.  In laymen terms, she is pretty close to pushing.

I cannot begin to relay my excitement.  I worry that I'll overstep my boundaries and forget all sense (because I do that.) But my little sister, one of my favorite people on the earth, is about to embark on my favorite journey.  My favorite job. What makes this even better is that she's going to be wonderful at it. It may become her favorite, too.

Dear Future Niece or Nephew,

I cannot begin to tell you how excited your family is to have you.  Beyond just your parents, your grandparents, your aunts, uncles, even pseudo family members have been checking in all day to check on you.  You are loved beyond measure.  (I shouldn't have to tell you this, but you should know that I'm your favorite. Already. Let's just lay that groundwork early.)

You are so lucky! Your parents have been wanting to meet you for longer than you have even existed.  Your room has been carefully prepared, your clothes washed, and I know for certain, without her telling me, that your mom has already snuck into your room late at night and tried to picture what you'll look like in the crib and what she'll look like holding you in the rocker.  

Your life is going to be good.  It already is.  And I speak for everyone you know and who love you when I say get here soon! We can't wait to meet you! 

Godspeed, little angel.

Aunt Catie
Your Favorite

5.19.14, 1641

I've moved to the waiting room and Colleen is pushing.  In no time at all, she's going to be a Mom (and Justin, of course, will be a Dad.) The reality of how quickly life is about to change for them is almost too much to handle! How did I miss this at the time I was having my own children? Ugh, hindsight. 

Colleen has been a champ.  She looks beautiful, is cheerful, talkative, winces every few minutes and keeps on chatting.  Typical Colleen. Justin could not be more least, outwardly.  

My mom is on her way! I can't wait to have some company here in the waiting room! (There are lots of people sitting nearby, but they are watching Daniel Tiger on a Mac and I can't hear, "Groooooooown-ups cooooome baaaaaaaack" one more time. I just can't.  Where are my ear buds?) Every single time the elevator dings, I risk giving myself whiplash trying to see who is about to get off.  

This is amazing.  It's a really, really good day. One of the best.

This story will be continued...


October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died.  Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience.  And yet, here I sit, fatherless...