As of today, I'm 25 weeks. Up until Friday, I felt pretty fantastic. Once Friday hit, apparently so did the literal forces of nature. I am sore in places I didn't know existed. I'm having a hard time moving from a sitting to a standing position and putting Patrick to bed is nearly impossible. How did this happen? I still don't feel too terribly big, though certainly bigger than last week. (I need to keep up with pictures...maybe tomorrow.) I do blame the elliptical, in part. I've taken it easier as of late, but I think that, with my center of gravity quickly changing, so is the balancing act required for my beloved little machine. I have taken the weekend off, in hopes of giving my muscles, bones, and ligaments a break.
Beyond that, the baby now weighs about as much as an average rutabaga (1.5 pounds), according to the weekly emails that I get. What on earth is a rutabaga? I'll have to google it.

My check-in appointment last week went well. I experienced no weight gain in the last 5 weeks, which brought me back to a good weight. 13 pounds total, with which I feel pretty ok. I did ask about having another ultrasound, as we had discussed that in the beginning, but I was denied for now. My blood pressure medication has the tendency to cause lower birth weight babies, and so we monitored Patrick's growth with a few extra ultrasounds in the last trimester. Since my OB feels pretty secure about my meds and with my average blood pressure, it looks as though, unless my blood pressure becomes an issue again, I will not have a clue what this new little one looks like until he/she makes an arrival. While a part of me is disappointed, I can understand the reasoning.
I do really think that we're having another little boy, especially with the onset of this terrible pain. Without prompting, Patrick has been referring to my belly as his baby "brudder," although after getting kicked in the cheek last night while laying down with me, he refuses to refer to the baby as anything. He's completely weirded out. Adam and I continue to be pretty excited about the arrival of either a little brother or little sister, so I really just look forward to seeing what is in the grand plan for us.
I feel like this is a lame post, so I apologize. I've studied and written papers all weekend and am now completely exhausted. On a good note, the Colts won the AFC Championship game tonight, which means we're Superbowl bound! Hooray!!
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