1.) I turned 30 on the 20th. 30! I really wasn't bothered by it much, but to reinforce that, here is what I have learned: 30 feels just like 29, which feels a lot like 28, 27, etc. I guess, over time, things have gradually changed, but certainly not overnight, just because I celebrated another birthday. Adam, bless his heart, got back from a business trip the night of my birthday. Because he had planned on flying in much later, Colleen had already planned a dinner at Oceanaire with my mom (which was truly delicious...halibut with morels and orange...fabulous.) We picked up Adam from the airport, and he hopped in the car with a "Happy birthday, Mama!" That was it. No card, no flowers, just the verbal recognition. Admittedly, my feelings were hurt. The next day, we were supposed to have a family day, but he got busy. I was very hurt...so I cried. Like a baby. As it turns out, he planned a little weekend getaway for us as birthday surprise. Because of my tears, he had to tell me early. I felt like an a-hole. I realize I was being a baby. To make it worse, the next weekend, as I was out getting a pedicure with my sister-in-law, Adam filled the house with food, balloons, friends and family, and I was absolutely floored to come home to a surprise party. He wins. He's good at the birthdays, after all. It was great. I'm still shocked. I love him. It was a great birthday, and I still have a massage, pedicure, appt. at the Naked Monkey (post-baby), and that weekend getaway to look forward to. Not shabby, right?
2.) Patrick is a little mobile beast, despite his cast. One more week to go, and it comes off. I think he might miss it a little. He took a few steps last night on his own, though now he won't really do it without some encouragement and a hand to hold him steady. We watched the Riggs boys last night and I was so proud of how well Patrick did with little Jimmy (5 months.) He helped to soothe the baby, feed the baby, love the baby. I was so impressed, until Jimmy was holding my hand as I was giving him his bottle. Patrick got so upset and started saying, "Don't do that, baby! Don't hold her hand! She's not your Mommy!" Great. Let's hope that's not life in a few weeks. I haven't given up hope yet.
3.) Here I sit, at 35 weeks. Weight gain, 23 lbs. (Ugh.) I'm still having some dizzy spells and some nausea, though my mom pointed out that it only happens around meal-times. My guess is that it's a blood sugar issue. Otherwise, I feel pretty good. Sore and tired, but not more than would be expected. I'm just ready to meet this baby. I'm still fixated on names, though I give up. There is no use. We'll figure it out when we meet him/her. I did have a dream this week that we had a dark-haired little boy, so I guess we'll see... If that's the case, the baby naming will be easy. We have a name for a dark-haired boy and a fair-haired boy. We're covered. Here is a picture from Easter at my in-laws this afternoon. I'm still growing, for sure. The baby has hiccups, but not nearly as much as Patrick did. I still feel a lot of movement, which is comforting, though not always comfortable. Five weeks and counting...
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