I am so tired, but it was a great weekend. Here Come The Mummies on Friday night was awesome, despite every single crazy person in Indy being housed under one roof. Whoa, Mummies, whoa. The Vogue was quite literally Crazy Town for the night, but I blame part of that on the fact that it was Halloween...and amatuer night, it seemed. That being said, though, I'd go again! Actually, I would go several more times, and hope to. (Thank you Colleen and Justin!) They were great. Here is a video, a little shaky, but you'll get the picture for sure. This is not my video...mine refused to load. Ugh, Blogger... If you have the chance to go see the Mummies live, I recommend going. It is a good time for sure:
Patrick finally got to see his Wolverine costume, which we have been hiding for over a week. THAT is what I wish I had a camera out for. He was adorable. He was shaking and giggling this weird little giggle. As he pulled the costume on, he smoothed out the front, took a deep breath and said very quietly and seriously, "Do I look beautiful, Mom?" It's been a long time since he's been that excited. The super heroes can do it every time, though. That little guy loves his costumes. Actually, he loves Halloween...or just any reason to dress up! I thought he would be really excited about the candy, but he was more interested in if the other kids could see his costume, if he could have their costume, and what decorations were gracing their front porches. Typical Patrick. He loves the details. They are never wasted on him.
Leo...Leo is not so much a fan of Halloween. He found his costume (The Flash) kind of hot and ridiculous. I think I could feel him willing his eyes to roll. He may grow into it, but I think this might just always be Patrick's thing. Maybe Leo will like Easter a little more. That holiday is much sweeter and quieter.
Leo had his half-birthday on Saturday. Six months! At six months, Leo is:
1.) Oh, so so so close to crawling. Days from crawling. He wants to so very badly that he sometimes gets frustrated that he just can't do it yet.
2.) Has four teeth, and one more on the way. These Walden boys and their fast-growing teeth. Leo still hates teething, but since the top two cut skin, we're all sleeing again. Whew.
3.) Can sit up a little, maybe for a minute or more, but does tend to topple. He does seem pretty proud of himself when he can stay up for a period of time.
4.) Is slowly doing well with food. He has a really sensitive stomach when it comes to the formula we supplement (and which is slowing taking over his fluid diet...tear), so we have been slow to introduce foods. So far, however, he has had no problems with food. This kid is an eater. For Halloween, he got some new foods in his bag, and they are delicious! No, really, they are. I tried them. Here was his dinner tonight. He cashed this bag in about five miuntes flat, with barely a remnant on his chin and a smile on his face.
5.) Displays symtptoms of Rythmic Movement Disorder (I can't make this stuff up), of which, at 30, I still do, too. The most classic symptom, and one that Leo certainly exhibits, is the banging of his head in his sleep. I would have forgotten to include this, but as I type this, I am listening to the back of the crib banging against the wall in his room.
6.) Outweighs his brother at a year. Seriously. Let's break down his outfit today: Shirt (12-18 months), jeans (12 months), hat (12-18 months). My gentle giant. Just this weekend, someone at the grocery store said "That baby's a heifer!" Come on, now... He's just...well...he's big boned.
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