Monday, February 7, 2011

So now, Patrick John Edward is three years old.  Three.  Years.  Old.  It almost doesn't seem possible.  I think back at this day three years ago, and it's just surreal.  How does the time go so fast?  No, really?  Little did I know that tiny, strawberry-blond baby was going to grow up to be this cool. 

This kid brightens our lives.  His personality is almost too big to fit in that tiny body.  He is funny and clever and sharp-tongued and unbelievably smart.  He has the memory of an elephant.  While I usually don't care much for the word "amazing," that's what he is.  He amazes me. 

Here is what he's into these days:

1.) Buzz...always Buzz
2.) Superheroes.  Spiderman is the favorite, but he's recently becoming very interested in Ironman.
3.) Transformers
4.) His uncles (who he refers to as "pretty princesses")
5.) Absolutely anything that Grandad thinks is cool
6.) Singing with abandon
7.) Baby Monkey (If you haven't seen this video, it's asinine...and he loves it.  Admittedly, I kind of think it's funny, too.  It's been weeks and I can't stop singing the song.  Please see below if you want to know what I am talking about.)
8.) Dressing himself
9.) Airplanes
10.) Costumes

In addition, he's learned to spell his own name, can hold up three fingers to show you how old he is, and can tell you his birthdate.  Depending on what day it is, he will argue with you that he's not three, he's six.  He's also an excellent dancer, much like his father. 

Enjoy this excellent video.  Good luck getting the song out of your head, and good luck not singing it in that ridiculous voice:

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October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died.  Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience.  And yet, here I sit, fatherless...