Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reasons Why Three-Year-Olds Are Awesome

With every age, I find myself thinking, This one might be my favorite.  As Patrick is just starting off his third year (well, I guess his fourth, technically), he has become a load of fun...and very, very smart.  No really.  (He's also very mouthy and super-sensitive, but we're focusing on the positive here.) 

Here are a few reasons why Patrick at three is truly fantastic:

1.) "Hey, Mom.  I saw your phone on the couch, but it was dead.  I plugged it in for you." 

2.) "I think we should just go to your room and snuggle for a while."

3.) "You really are beautiful, Mom.  Even when your belly gets to be really fat, you'll still be beautiful." 

4.) "Just look at Leo.  Look at that cute little baby.  What a cute, cute baby."

5.) "Do you want to watch 'Jersey Girl' again? That was a really good movie."

6.) When I just asked him to tell me something good about himself, he replied with pride, "I fart in my pants sometimes."

This kid rocks my socks off.  So does his little monster-brother (whose physical strength, for the record, is not something to be messed with.  That kid belongs in baby cage-fighting...and I would not even mention that if I didn't think he'd win.  Every single time.  That tiny man is super-human.)

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October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died.  Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience.  And yet, here I sit, fatherless...