One month until baby, which sometimes feels like "...sigh... One whole month until baby," and other times, "OMG! Only one month until baby!"
As one's first milestone is looming on the horizon, another's is already behind him. Patrick John Edward is a pre-schooler. A REAL one, he would tell you. Yesterday, I saw this posted to Pinterest, and it made me cry:
As one's first milestone is looming on the horizon, another's is already behind him. Patrick John Edward is a pre-schooler. A REAL one, he would tell you. Yesterday, I saw this posted to Pinterest, and it made me cry:
This is a very literal and accurate description of how Patrick's first day of school went for me. For him, it went like this:
Me: "How was your first day??"
Patrick: "Good."
Me: "Just good? Did you like it?"
Patrick: "Yeah."
Me: "You did? Do you want to go back?"
Patrick: "Yes."
Me: "What did you do all day?"
Patrick: "Played with my friends. Shared my toys. Sang songs. And I didn't suck my thumb. Mrs. Connor loves me, she said."
(To be fair, I do think Mrs. Connor loves him. More about that later.)
Here is Pjew on his very first day of school:
Despite not having planned on sending Patrick to pre-school this year, I am very thankful we did. I think he learns more by getting out and socializing than we can give him at home. Since he's never been to a daycare, or even a babysitter, for that matter, this was a big step for him...and for us. His teacher (the famous Mrs. Connor) is actually the mother of one of Adam's good friends from high school, which means she and Patrick share a little bond. I pulled up to pick him up today and witnessed him on the playground. With a thumb in his mouth, he rubbed up against her leg, leaning on it while staring at the ground, just like he does to me when he gets tired. She was talking to another parent and without hesitation, reached down and rubbed his buzzed little head, resting her hand on his shoulder. Patrick closed his eyes. It made me feel good to know how well taken care of he is and that people other than us can feel how special he is. Joy. Pure Joy.
What a big kid. My big kid. Oh, what the future holds for you, Mr. Walden...
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