1.) I find it my calling this summer to bring back the friendship bracelet. (Did you see the last posts about the projects? Add this one to the list.) Actually, I decided on a whim to buy some clearance skiens of embroidery thread a few weeks back and have made several little bracelets since. I'm trying to recall the cool techniques I once knew, and started on this one last night. First, it's about an inch thick and features 18 different threads. Second, it takes about an hour per inch. This one is intense, but it'll be great once it's done. And then, my sister will likely make me cut it off for her wedding. Maybe I should look into a clasp for this one...
2.) Recently (as in maybe a year ago and worsening since), we have noticed that out little Patrick sometimes seemed to struggle with his sense of hearing. Sometimes, he would repeat what we might have said to him and it was something not even close. Then, he would just look at you and nod inappropriately, turn his head to one side when you were talking to him, and cup the back of his ear to "catch sound." Naturally, we brought this up to his pediatrician, who did an in-office hearing screen. He failed his left side four times. Womp, womp. So, yesterday, we went to the audiologist. Initially, I was really nervous, full of guilt, and worried about our little guy. Over the past two weeks leading up to the appointment, I started to feel better. (It helps when your dad and best friend are both physicians. I like to get my answers early.) According to the tests yesterday, Patrick's nerves are great. He can actually hear very well. However, his inner ears are full of so much fluid that one eardrum has no movement at all. The ENT doctor told us that it is like trying to hear through a mass of cotton balls. Easy fix: six weeks of a steroid nasal spray and tubes if that doesn't help alleviate some of the fluid. Outstanding. Relief. Here he is in the soundproof booth, playing the hearing "games" with the audiologist:
4.) The older boys have made it their summer mission to catch every bug/slug/creature in our backyard. They occupy their days with the trampoline, water tables, hoses, and digging and scouring for bugs. Patrick has deemed himself "The Slug Hunter," and, honestly, he can find slugs anywhere. Leo is fearless and bare-hands any bugs (the biting/stinging ones and the hairiest of hairy included) and brings them inside to show me. Ew. Snips, snails, and puppy dog tails... They almost require daily baths now, and then the bathtub has to be scrubbed out at the end. I have a feeling this will be a way of life for many, many years. Here is Patrick with his first slug, who was later named "The Dead Guy" because, well, this is the last picture of him looking this good:
Ok I was laughing like crazy at Leo reacting to your singing. Sullivan does a similar thing. He just yells "NOOOOOOOOO mama NOOOOOO" whenever I try to sing him anything. There goes him thinking I'm queen of the world....