Oh, the never-ending list of to-dos. Generally, I'm pretty good at knocking it out. Generally--not lately. With our impending move (did I mention we sold our house and bought a new one?), I could really use a surge of energy. And I'm waiting. But it's not coming.
In the meantime, I am trying to rest and to not be sick and to take a moment to really soak things in because life as we know it is about to change. We're no longer going to be living on top of each other, we plan to initiate a no-kids-in-our-bedroom (oooookay) rule, I may just be able to take a bath without 1.) the water draining out too quickly and 2.) three boys trying to climb in with me, and...we're going to have another baby. We are.
December and January brought with it lots of good news. The day the world was to end, we found out we were going to have our fourth baby. Around the same time, we came to an agreement on the sale of our house. Adam got a raise. Our offer was accepted on a new house. And with all of that good news came a lot of stress. A lot. And I mean the I-really-just-need-to-go-to-bed-and-not-talk-about-it-right-now kind. It's a lot to take in, but by this summer, it's going to be great. It is! During an expression of frustration to my father the other day, he offered this piece of advice, "Catie, sometimes you just need to accept it and move forward." Of course we do. And we will. And we're ready. (To clarify, we're not stressed about the baby. That's one thing we know we can pull off. That is, if managing to keep everyone mostly safe and alive at the end of the day is the same as pulling it off.)
(Then again, this is all if I can get myself moving.)
But how exciting is a new baby? Super-exciting. Really. Patrick and Leo now know of our news and sweet Patrick is so excited. (Leo still lives in oblivion.) And, though I'm sure to get my fair share of "Are you really hoping for that girl?" the truth is, I'm not. We should probably just get that out of the way now. I'm really hoping for a healthy baby; we wanted a fourth child without any stipulation on the sex. I'm really excited about how our future looks with either scenario. We could be the parents of four strapping and active boys (meaning we'd likely have the most social house in the neighborhood) or we could have three big brothers for a lucky little girl. If you think about it it, my job is going to be pretty easy either way. That is, as easy as it gets with four kids, five and under. (Oh.)
While I would love to have more kids, this one will probably be our last, which makes this even more special. And exciting. It's like having your first...in reverse...if that makes any sense at all. Rather than the excitement of "I've never experienced this before!" I'll have the "I'll never experience this again!" My sister said with a bit of disappointment when she found out, "Oh, wow. That's probably the last positive pregnancy test you'll ever read." Call me crazy, but, for that reason, I kept it. (One of them, that is. You know I took about ten. For real.)
So there that is. Wish us luck! And if you live in one of the northern Indy suburbs, come visit us! We're going to officially be suburbanites in three weeks.
Time for coffee.
The family. We are a little band of characters trudging through life, sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that binds us all together.
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October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died. Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience. And yet, here I sit, fatherless...
As the mother of three (soon-to-be-four) children, it should be obvious that I feel blessed. Overwhelmed, of course. Stressed out? Occass...
...today would have been a great day to start. A GREAT day to start. For one, I had the shittiest night at work last night (I need to watc...
WOW Catie! wow. good luck momma :) blessings abound