If you were settling in on the love seat across from me, with a steamy cup of morning brew with some sugar-free Caramel Macchiato creamer, here are the topics we'd cover:
1.) We're potty-training! And we're having decent success, I'd say, for a 2.5 year-old boy. I'd like to have him trained by next week, but that might be some wishful thinking. Still, we'll trudge ahead and keep our fingers crossed that we'll have just one in diapers soon...a luxury we're not very accustomed to having. (Side note: when potty training boys, if you happen to have, say, marbles around, put them up high. A diaperless boy is acutely aware of his parts, and weird things happen to the marbles. Weird things.)
2.) Easter was a good day for us. Easter service was gorgeous. The incense, flowers, Holy Water...sigh. It was beautiful. It was a bittersweet day for us, though, as my side of the family was absent. Not to dive right into the deep stuff, but my father had an emergency (therefore, unplanned) surgery in Arizona on Friday that shook us all deeply. He'll be there for an undisclosed period of time, so while I'm worried and sleepless and missing him, I'm also missing my mother just as much, as she flew out to be with him. If you are a praying person, those are much appreciated. I speak for all of my siblings when I say we'd love nothing more than to get them both home.
3.) I need ideas for a four year-old's birthday. Because, in one week my sweet little Leo will be just that. It'll just be me and the kids, so I'm trying to come up with a super-fun day for my little guy. (We'll be at Hooters, for sure. He's already requested that. In our defense, before you judge too much, those girls really are great with the kids and, aside from some cleavage, are pretty covered. They aren't indecent. Swear it.)
4.) Preparations are underway for my little sister's baby shower. Did I mention she was pregnant? She is...and due very soon. And, God help me, I will inhale the bejeezus out of that tiny thing. I'm unreasonably excited, both to meet my new niece/nephew and to see my sister as a mother. (She's going to be great at it.) And perhaps I can start to pay back all of the free help she's given me over the years.
5.) Finally, our Annie Bananie is nearly 8 months old. She's crawling, two teeth, says three words, and is super-goofy. And she loves her Dad. Her whole face lights up when she sees him. It's nothing short of precious. We did finally give her some solid food on Easter, which she really seemed to enjoy, so maybe we'll do something with that. Maybe. But, for now, she's breastfeeding with vigor again and seems very content with that. She's a good girl.
On that note, it's time to tend to the sticky mess in the kitchen. And maybe put on real pants.