Friday, April 18, 2014

Yesterday, I made a mistake that cost me a lot of time.  And discomfort.  And some blood.  And now, as I type this, I am listening to the sweetest baby girl cry herself to sleep because she can't breastfeed (as a direct result of my mistake) and that's all she wants to fall asleep.  And it sucks. 

I didn't do anything any-/everyone I know hasn't done.  I just happened to get a little more unlucky than some of my peers.  And that also sucks.

And, today I cried a lot.  I'm crying because I'm worried and I selfishly want things to go back to normal and to speed up this whole process, but I'm more upset (okay, maybe not more upset, but it's pretty close), that there is a wonderful and sweet woman (who I knew for all of three hours) tonight who is also worried, and feels somehow responsible, even though she did nothing wrong.  And that makes me feel worse.  Triple-suck.

It's Good Friday, and today wasn't a good day.  In fact, it was a pretty bad day.  But, if that's not enough of a reminder that it could have been worse, though, I don't know what is.

Chins up!

Tomorrow will be a brand new day.  And we'll start all over again, if you'll forgive my somewhat-vague blog post.  (And if your weekend kind of got off to a craptastic start, as ours did, let's take a moment to take a big, deep, breath together and start this circus show all over.)

Happy Easter, friends and family!  May your weekends be as joyful as I hope ours is!

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