Monday, August 3, 2009

Be Good, Do Good, See Good, Feel Good

Considering recent unfortunate events (if you're reading this, you probably know to what I refer), I have been on a hunt for what it means to "be a good person." I Googled it. Apparently, I am not the only person who wanted to know what being a good person actually entails (much like I was not the only person who searched for tapeworms for sale, but that's a different story entirely.) Here is what I found:

Be yourself and don't give in to peer pressure or the "style of the moment."

Look for the good in others instead of the negative.

Try to be helpful when a situation calls for it.

Don't complain about your problems too much to others, because they have their own problems.

Listen more than you talk. It's easier to learn by listening than by talking.

Don't give in to the urge to always say yes to what others want/need. You have to think of your own needs, too.

Try to keep learning your entire life, whether it's by reading books, opening your mind to new ways of thinking, going to different places you may not have thought of seeing, not closing your mind to experiences, meeting new people. Just when you think you "know a lot," you'll find out how little you really do know!!

Appreciate the little things in life: a pretty cloud, lovely-smelling flower, a cute child, a soft animal, a cool breeze, the sound of the ocean.

Be grateful for the good things/people in your life. Don't be greedy and always want more, bigger, and better. Try to be satisfied with what you have. Material possessions don't bring satisfaction.

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