The bed was an
other story. Holy mother, that is one enormous piece of furniture. About three weeks ago, Adam and I trekked to Wauconda, Illinois to visit my cousin, Kerry, and to pick up the mother-of-all-bunk-beds that she so kindly gifted us. If only I could have had this bed when I was a kid... Putting it together, however, was a little rough. With all of the pieces laid out, we had no idea where to start. It's a good thing for us, however, that I am a self-proclaimed Google master. If there is something out there to be found, I can find it. I'm certain. I did a master search and success! I found the directions from the manufacturer. Not even two hours later, the bed was complete. Patrick awoke from his nap in the middle and absolutely had to help. He. Is. Obsessed. We gave him a little hammer and he helped, helped, helped to his heart's content...until it was time for lunch. I did all but force-feed him, but he was not interested (mind you, he's been a LITTLE better about eating lately). I tried to bargain; it was either he eat or he go back down for a nap. His response? "I want to woooooorrrrkk!!!" He is his father.
After the bed was up, it was off to run errands and find bedding. I found nothing but some hangers, wipes, sheets for us and sheets for the beds, and a hat for Adam. Way productive. After some internet searching tonight, it appears as though the sheets I bought for Patrick are going back in exchange for an internet purchase (I think) and all should be well.
As I write this, Adam has just completed hanging the new closet doors and has just walked out the door to mow the yard. I have just completed laundering and laying our new bedding (complete with a very hefty mattress flip, made more hefty by an 18-month old trying his hardest to hang on to the top...and I do mean hang on; he was dangling.) I'm serious about the go, go, go today. It has just occurred to me that we have had nothing but coffee and peanut butter today. Perhaps I should get to making dinner.
Tomorrow morning, we're heading to Chicago to visit the Riggs family! Kelly, Max, Patrick, and I are heading to the aquarium and Adam and Jay are off to a Pearl Jam concert. Hooray for the weekends!
(Sidenote: It's a very pleasant 69 degrees today. The air smells like fall. Heaven.)
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