I shouldn't wait so long to update this blog, as it seems like too many things happen during the in-between and then it escapes me. Here is where we stand:
The same morning Adam woke up with his "unbearably sore" ankle, Patrick woke up with a pretty high fever. It stayed at about 103 degrees most of the day, despite the Tylenol I was feeding him. He was grumpy, wouldn't eat, and not sleeping well. He would start crying hysterically for no r
eal reason (once because he thought the sun was too bright. I'm serious.) We took him to see his favorite doctor (my dad), who thought he might have Roseola, a childhood illness that is characterized by a higher fever for a few days with no other real symptoms and ends with a body rash. Sure enough, as of yesterday afternoon (a day later), his rash started to spread. I noticed it first on his cheeks and neck, and then his arms. When we got home for the day, I took off his shirt, and his belly and back were covered in tiny red bumps. His fever was completely gone.
Little Leo is good. Healthy. Fine. Me, too.
Tonight marks the Hatcher family's annual Symphony on the Prairie outing. Good food, good wine, good music, good company. It's one of the best days of the year. Pics to come.
1.) Little Leo is getting to be a pretty big kid. (Well, a tiny baby still, but big for his age; he's 9 weeks old today.) He went to the doctor this week and weighed in at 13lbs 5oz (90th percentile) and 25 inches long (97th percentile). I expressed my concern about his quiet nature, but heard was I was hoping; that he might just be a quiet kid. No need for concern. He did coo a couple of times yesterday, which was a first. (For comparison, Patrick "talked" nonstop by 8 we
eks old. Leo just watches.) Last night was the third night of his new bedtime routine, which is identical to the one that we had in place for Patrick up until he turned two. It goes like this: eat, bed (while still awake), wake up. It's very simple; we don't make much of a fuss. This is not to say that this is the right way to do things, just that it works for us. Leo goes down at 10:30 and is up at 7:30. Thanks to his new schedule, I am getting back on a normal-person schedule. No more painting the bathroom at 2am. I've been in bed shortly after Leo and up just before he wakes for the day. It works out perfectly. Here he is as of this morning:

2.) Speaking of painting, I have one room left to paint in my "total wall makeover" project of Summer '10. I have paint in my hair that won't come out, but I covered it the best that I could with a little dye. The kitchen had to be done twice, as the first color just didn't set well with me, but I'm happy now. I'm on the fence about the color for our bedroom, as that is the only room in the house that I haven't ever painted, and I'm just not sure how any color will work. I'm leaning toward a really pale orange/coral (REALLY pale), but we'll see. No decisions have been made yet. As far as home projects go, we only have to lay the baseboards in our room and in Leo's room and hang 7 new interior doors and 2 new storm doors. The list keeps getting shorter...

3.) We've been hit by a string a bad luck with health the past few weeks. Patrick has developed a mildly gross viral infection, diagnosed on Monday, which invovles me picking open tiny warts in his armpit with a hypodermic needle, and then painting the whole area with betadine in order to rid him of the manifestations of his infection. The first attempt was a debacle. It evovled into a screaming/writhing fit, which was miserable for everyone. Last night (attempt #2) was great. I talked to Patrick before I started, explained what I had to do, that it didn't hurt, and that it would make him all better. He laid down in position and let me pick away. If I had to go at an area with more than one little "jab," he would tell me "No more" and I would move on to a new area. So far, I think we have successfully managed about 15 little warts. Only 15 more to do, approximately. (For the record, I hate the word "warts." Ew.) Please see cell pic of picked and "painted" area:
Tuesday, Adam has a soccer game that ended for him with either an ankle sprain or a minor fracture. He was unable to walk for a day or so, but is getting around mostly fine now. Upon calling my parents for advice, Adam heard what he was dreading; he's not a high school athlete anymore. He'll be fine, though. A day home from work, and a little TLC, and he's almost 100% again, though it's still a little swollen and sore. Poor guy.
The same morning Adam woke up with his "unbearably sore" ankle, Patrick woke up with a pretty high fever. It stayed at about 103 degrees most of the day, despite the Tylenol I was feeding him. He was grumpy, wouldn't eat, and not sleeping well. He would start crying hysterically for no r

As of this morning, the rash has mostly gone away, and Patrick seems to think that I cured him. I got a big, "Good job, Mommy! You did it! You made me all better!" this morning. I'll take the credit where I can get it. I've attached a pic of the back rash, but it's not too noticeable in the picture. It certainly was in person. You can also see a little of the yellow betadine coming around his side. Our house is crawling with germs, but we're getting better.
Little Leo is good. Healthy. Fine. Me, too.
Tonight marks the Hatcher family's annual Symphony on the Prairie outing. Good food, good wine, good music, good company. It's one of the best days of the year. Pics to come.
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