If you have kids or even if you ever want kids, do yourself this favor:
Get rid of every permanent marker you own. Every one of them. Put them way, way, way up high. So high, in fact, that you yourself need a ladder to get them. Buy a very expensive safe and put them in there. Don't ever tell a single person the combination. Doing so will save you time and money on repainting walls, trying to get marker off finished flooring, baseboards, doors, toys, bedding, rugs, cute little wooden toy bins, children, and animals.
Meet my enemy:
The family. We are a little band of characters trudging through life, sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that binds us all together.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Waldens Visit Lucas to Cheer on a Trojan Victory!
Go Trojans!
The Bishop Chatard Trojans scored their 10th state title this past weekend and these future Trojans made a visit to the Colts' home field to watch it all go down:
The Bishop Chatard Trojans scored their 10th state title this past weekend and these future Trojans made a visit to the Colts' home field to watch it all go down:
Monday, November 29, 2010
One more thing:
Leo will be 7 months old tomorrow. To date, he has 5 very visible teeth, can crawl pretty well, can pull himself up to his feet (although wobbly and uncoordinated), and can take teeny steps to "cruise" along the couch a good 18-inches or so before he very quickly plops down. He still takes teething very, very hard. He LOVES to eat and is outgrowing everything. He wears 12 month or 12-18 month clothes, and a 5.5-6 in a shoe. He says "Mama" (or "mammmamamaama ma maamaa") with apparent meaning. He is, without a doubt, so very attached to his mother. We've found that he sometimes wakes in the middle of the night...not to be changed or to be fed, but because he wants me. As soon as I get him, he's back out immediately, and (I am not even kidding) with a little smile on his face. You know how a dad can get wrapped around his little girl's finger? That's me and Leo (except, obviously, the opposite.) He reminds me of a baby manatee, and Adam will cringe that I wrote that, but it often leads me to singing "Leo maa-na-teeee, maa-na-teeee, you're the one for meeee, one for meeee..." He's an adorable, gentle giant. I'm in for it.
PS- As I write this, Patrick is slow-dancing with Indy.
PS- As I write this, Patrick is slow-dancing with Indy.
It's 9am on Monday morning. The dishes are done, both kids are fed, one down for a nap, chili is in the crockpot, and I'm just sitting down with Patrick and a large cup of tea to watch "A Christmas Story." Does Thanksgiving break really have to end? Really? Is it too late to convince Adam that I would make a really good homemaker?
I have been so tired of being tired. I am tired of feeling like my fuse is short and just kind of run down. This last week off from school has really made a difference in my perspective. It has also brought to my attention how "off" I have been the last couple of months. It's like someone who has been sick for a long time not even realizing how bad she feels until she gets some meds. Simple time with the boys, with Adam and with our families has made a big difference. I have time to make coffee (and to drink the whole cup), time to do the dishes, time to cook and take my time getting the wee ones to bed. I feel like myself again. I feel like Adam and I are going strong. I feel like the boys are happy little people. And, come Wednesday, I'll dive back into school for another few weeks. And I'll probably start to feel a little absent again...and then Christmas break. Were ever sweeter words written? I. Am. So. Ready.
Here is my little tidbit for the day: If you know someone in school, especially in nursing school, be nice to them. It's not easy. It makes them crazy. What's worse is that they might not even know they have gone a little crazy. It's not their fault they are so high-strung. Just cut 'em a little break. As it stands, they probably get few.
I have been so tired of being tired. I am tired of feeling like my fuse is short and just kind of run down. This last week off from school has really made a difference in my perspective. It has also brought to my attention how "off" I have been the last couple of months. It's like someone who has been sick for a long time not even realizing how bad she feels until she gets some meds. Simple time with the boys, with Adam and with our families has made a big difference. I have time to make coffee (and to drink the whole cup), time to do the dishes, time to cook and take my time getting the wee ones to bed. I feel like myself again. I feel like Adam and I are going strong. I feel like the boys are happy little people. And, come Wednesday, I'll dive back into school for another few weeks. And I'll probably start to feel a little absent again...and then Christmas break. Were ever sweeter words written? I. Am. So. Ready.
Here is my little tidbit for the day: If you know someone in school, especially in nursing school, be nice to them. It's not easy. It makes them crazy. What's worse is that they might not even know they have gone a little crazy. It's not their fault they are so high-strung. Just cut 'em a little break. As it stands, they probably get few.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
In two short days, we will celebrate Thanksgiving. This year is extra-special, as Thanksgiving also marks our 4th anniversary. When we planned our wedding on the 25th, we knew that we would share the two occassions not infrequently, and thought that that it would be a great way to remember how thankful we are for each other and our little life. Four years, two kids, lots of spills, accidents, broken down cars and appliances, slammed doors, laughter, dancing, music, dinners, and love. Here is the day that started it all:
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
As of yesterday, our little Leo became mobile. I actually sat and watched as he figured out how to move one knee with the opposite hand and then repeat. He was on his way, and he couldn't stop laughing as he moved closer...and closer. Still, he's a bit jerky and not at all coordinated, but he's definitely crawling. Oh, infant mobility, though I would have liked you to stay away a little longer, we welcome you back.
Leo had his 6 month appointment today and is officially huge. His weight is in the 80th percentile (I wish I knew exactly what it was, but while the nurse was trying to talk to me, Patrick was in the middle of probably the worst tantrum I have ever seen him have.) Leo's length is off the charts. His percentiles continue to increase as far as height goes (95th, 97th, and now), which makes Adam very proud. He is absolutely convinced that at least one of our kids will get some height. Maybe it's Leo! Who knows... Again, I have no idea exactly how long he was, just that his measurement was met with a "Wow!" by both the nurse and the doctor. Getting his shots, Leo barely fliched. Patrick, however, howled his head off and screamed because he couldn't get his latex gloves on correctly (courtesy of the doctor.) I was sweating bullets just trying to tolerate it long enough to haul him outside for a "talking to."
This marks the third time that Leo's appointment has been met with absolutely fury by Patrick. I wonder if it's a jealousy issue, or a fear issue, or both. Patrick loves attention, and maybe he just hates not having all eyes on him. It doesn't matter much what causes it; the next appointment will be had solo.
Some recent gems from Patrick, our little attention glutton:
"Look, I'm not going to fight with you..."
"Allllllllll-RIGHT! I heard you! Just RELAX!"
"Don't be ridiculous."
"I can't eat that, Mom. It has caterpillars in it and they're BLEEDING!" (It was tortellini with asparagus and tomato sauce.)
"My parts are private and I should always keep my weiner-penis in my pants." (I don't know. If you've met Patrick, you understand...)
"I say I'm going to go to Grandma's today, (in a whisper) but actually I am going to go with Daddy and watch basketball." (No, really, he was going to Grandma's)
"Oh, hey, Mom. I packed my bags. I'm going to college."
Leo had his 6 month appointment today and is officially huge. His weight is in the 80th percentile (I wish I knew exactly what it was, but while the nurse was trying to talk to me, Patrick was in the middle of probably the worst tantrum I have ever seen him have.) Leo's length is off the charts. His percentiles continue to increase as far as height goes (95th, 97th, and now), which makes Adam very proud. He is absolutely convinced that at least one of our kids will get some height. Maybe it's Leo! Who knows... Again, I have no idea exactly how long he was, just that his measurement was met with a "Wow!" by both the nurse and the doctor. Getting his shots, Leo barely fliched. Patrick, however, howled his head off and screamed because he couldn't get his latex gloves on correctly (courtesy of the doctor.) I was sweating bullets just trying to tolerate it long enough to haul him outside for a "talking to."
This marks the third time that Leo's appointment has been met with absolutely fury by Patrick. I wonder if it's a jealousy issue, or a fear issue, or both. Patrick loves attention, and maybe he just hates not having all eyes on him. It doesn't matter much what causes it; the next appointment will be had solo.
Some recent gems from Patrick, our little attention glutton:
"Look, I'm not going to fight with you..."
"Allllllllll-RIGHT! I heard you! Just RELAX!"
"Don't be ridiculous."
"I can't eat that, Mom. It has caterpillars in it and they're BLEEDING!" (It was tortellini with asparagus and tomato sauce.)
"My parts are private and I should always keep my weiner-penis in my pants." (I don't know. If you've met Patrick, you understand...)
"I say I'm going to go to Grandma's today, (in a whisper) but actually I am going to go with Daddy and watch basketball." (No, really, he was going to Grandma's)
"Oh, hey, Mom. I packed my bags. I'm going to college."
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Happy Birthday to Adam!
Tomorrow marks Adam's 32nd birthday, and while I know I am posting this a day early, I have a LONG day of clinical tomorrow and am not sure I'll be able to get to it.
That being said:
Adam, I wanted to take the time to publicly tell the world how very proud I am to be your wife; how lucky I am that you found me, that you loved me, and that you picked me (not once, but twice!) You are a grand man, in morals and in strength, in sensitivity and in humor. Thank you for being my best friend, my support system, my shoulder to cry on, and my dream maker. To me and to your boys, you are magic. Thank you for making me laugh, even when I don't want to. Thank you for being the best dancer I have ever known (or at least, thank you for thinking that you are.) Thank you for your endless supply of the best Saturday breakfasts in the world, even if every one of them is scrambled eggs. Thank you for always putting the coffee on for me. Thank you for sharing my goals. Thank you for our children. Thank you for our life.
There is not another single person who could make me as happy as you do. Happy birthday, Honeybees.
That being said:
Adam, I wanted to take the time to publicly tell the world how very proud I am to be your wife; how lucky I am that you found me, that you loved me, and that you picked me (not once, but twice!) You are a grand man, in morals and in strength, in sensitivity and in humor. Thank you for being my best friend, my support system, my shoulder to cry on, and my dream maker. To me and to your boys, you are magic. Thank you for making me laugh, even when I don't want to. Thank you for being the best dancer I have ever known (or at least, thank you for thinking that you are.) Thank you for your endless supply of the best Saturday breakfasts in the world, even if every one of them is scrambled eggs. Thank you for always putting the coffee on for me. Thank you for sharing my goals. Thank you for our children. Thank you for our life.
There is not another single person who could make me as happy as you do. Happy birthday, Honeybees.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Just recently, I've started thinking about where I wanted to be as an adult (when I was an early teen) and where I am now, at 30. It has a little to do with the subject matter of classes recently, as well as an overwhelming feeling that things in my life are unfolding as they should, despite some conspicuous and mildly painful bumps along the way (by "painful," I mean I am surprised sometimes that there is no blood shed.) Here is a layout of where I stand:
What I Dreamed 30 Would Be Like
Marital Status: Single
Profession: Doctor
Children: 4 boys, adopted, Asian
House: Large, white, a lot of glass
Pets: 2 large tan dogs
Automobile: Shiny black SUV
Interests: Fancy entertaining
What 30 Is
Marital Status: Married
Profession: Studying to be a nurse
Children: 2 boys, biological, Caucasian
House: Small, red (brick), medium amount of glass
Pets: One small white dog (with tan spots)
Automobile: Only sometimes-shiny navy sedan
Interests: Entertaining (not fancy), kids, healthy eating
As a whole, I was way off. I have boys, a car that is sometimes shiny, a dog with a couple of tan patches, may eventually work in the healthcare field, and I like to have parties, but those are the only similarities. I'm not as skinny as I pictured myself back then (I'm working on it), my hair isn't long, I don't jog for miles with a perfect ponytail and don't break a sweat (no, really, I though I would do that.) The life I wanted was very slick and fancy, but the one I have is happy. Sometimes, it's a little messy and smelly (I have a kid in a dirty diaper currently on my lap), and may cause a breakdown here and there (both me and the kids), but it's good. As one child is sleeping soundly on my lap this very minute, the other one is snuggled up behind me with his head on my back and certainly his thumb in his mouth. You can't buy this kind of affection. I may still appreciate a little "slick and fancy" if it comes my way, though. I am certainly not opposed.
PS- It looks like my graduation date has been moved up! I'll at least be a little closer to slick and fancy come July! Ok, fine, I probably won't, but at least I'll have a little more time to deal with the messy and smelly. :) The countdown is on. Eight months and counting...
What I Dreamed 30 Would Be Like
Marital Status: Single
Profession: Doctor
Children: 4 boys, adopted, Asian
House: Large, white, a lot of glass
Pets: 2 large tan dogs
Automobile: Shiny black SUV
Interests: Fancy entertaining
What 30 Is
Marital Status: Married
Profession: Studying to be a nurse
Children: 2 boys, biological, Caucasian
House: Small, red (brick), medium amount of glass
Pets: One small white dog (with tan spots)
Automobile: Only sometimes-shiny navy sedan
Interests: Entertaining (not fancy), kids, healthy eating
As a whole, I was way off. I have boys, a car that is sometimes shiny, a dog with a couple of tan patches, may eventually work in the healthcare field, and I like to have parties, but those are the only similarities. I'm not as skinny as I pictured myself back then (I'm working on it), my hair isn't long, I don't jog for miles with a perfect ponytail and don't break a sweat (no, really, I though I would do that.) The life I wanted was very slick and fancy, but the one I have is happy. Sometimes, it's a little messy and smelly (I have a kid in a dirty diaper currently on my lap), and may cause a breakdown here and there (both me and the kids), but it's good. As one child is sleeping soundly on my lap this very minute, the other one is snuggled up behind me with his head on my back and certainly his thumb in his mouth. You can't buy this kind of affection. I may still appreciate a little "slick and fancy" if it comes my way, though. I am certainly not opposed.
PS- It looks like my graduation date has been moved up! I'll at least be a little closer to slick and fancy come July! Ok, fine, I probably won't, but at least I'll have a little more time to deal with the messy and smelly. :) The countdown is on. Eight months and counting...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Some Halloween Pics
Katie just posted some pics of the kids on Facebook. While I have deactivated my page for the time being (more on that later), I logged on as Patrick to check out the pics. Our little super-kids are the best. See below:
Oh, Halloween weekend, you got me. You got me good.
I am so tired, but it was a great weekend. Here Come The Mummies on Friday night was awesome, despite every single crazy person in Indy being housed under one roof. Whoa, Mummies, whoa. The Vogue was quite literally Crazy Town for the night, but I blame part of that on the fact that it was Halloween...and amatuer night, it seemed. That being said, though, I'd go again! Actually, I would go several more times, and hope to. (Thank you Colleen and Justin!) They were great. Here is a video, a little shaky, but you'll get the picture for sure. This is not my video...mine refused to load. Ugh, Blogger... If you have the chance to go see the Mummies live, I recommend going. It is a good time for sure:
Patrick finally got to see his Wolverine costume, which we have been hiding for over a week. THAT is what I wish I had a camera out for. He was adorable. He was shaking and giggling this weird little giggle. As he pulled the costume on, he smoothed out the front, took a deep breath and said very quietly and seriously, "Do I look beautiful, Mom?" It's been a long time since he's been that excited. The super heroes can do it every time, though. That little guy loves his costumes. Actually, he loves Halloween...or just any reason to dress up! I thought he would be really excited about the candy, but he was more interested in if the other kids could see his costume, if he could have their costume, and what decorations were gracing their front porches. Typical Patrick. He loves the details. They are never wasted on him.
Leo...Leo is not so much a fan of Halloween. He found his costume (The Flash) kind of hot and ridiculous. I think I could feel him willing his eyes to roll. He may grow into it, but I think this might just always be Patrick's thing. Maybe Leo will like Easter a little more. That holiday is much sweeter and quieter.
Leo had his half-birthday on Saturday. Six months! At six months, Leo is:
1.) Oh, so so so close to crawling. Days from crawling. He wants to so very badly that he sometimes gets frustrated that he just can't do it yet.
2.) Has four teeth, and one more on the way. These Walden boys and their fast-growing teeth. Leo still hates teething, but since the top two cut skin, we're all sleeing again. Whew.
3.) Can sit up a little, maybe for a minute or more, but does tend to topple. He does seem pretty proud of himself when he can stay up for a period of time.
I am so tired, but it was a great weekend. Here Come The Mummies on Friday night was awesome, despite every single crazy person in Indy being housed under one roof. Whoa, Mummies, whoa. The Vogue was quite literally Crazy Town for the night, but I blame part of that on the fact that it was Halloween...and amatuer night, it seemed. That being said, though, I'd go again! Actually, I would go several more times, and hope to. (Thank you Colleen and Justin!) They were great. Here is a video, a little shaky, but you'll get the picture for sure. This is not my video...mine refused to load. Ugh, Blogger... If you have the chance to go see the Mummies live, I recommend going. It is a good time for sure:
Patrick finally got to see his Wolverine costume, which we have been hiding for over a week. THAT is what I wish I had a camera out for. He was adorable. He was shaking and giggling this weird little giggle. As he pulled the costume on, he smoothed out the front, took a deep breath and said very quietly and seriously, "Do I look beautiful, Mom?" It's been a long time since he's been that excited. The super heroes can do it every time, though. That little guy loves his costumes. Actually, he loves Halloween...or just any reason to dress up! I thought he would be really excited about the candy, but he was more interested in if the other kids could see his costume, if he could have their costume, and what decorations were gracing their front porches. Typical Patrick. He loves the details. They are never wasted on him.
Leo...Leo is not so much a fan of Halloween. He found his costume (The Flash) kind of hot and ridiculous. I think I could feel him willing his eyes to roll. He may grow into it, but I think this might just always be Patrick's thing. Maybe Leo will like Easter a little more. That holiday is much sweeter and quieter.
Leo had his half-birthday on Saturday. Six months! At six months, Leo is:
1.) Oh, so so so close to crawling. Days from crawling. He wants to so very badly that he sometimes gets frustrated that he just can't do it yet.
2.) Has four teeth, and one more on the way. These Walden boys and their fast-growing teeth. Leo still hates teething, but since the top two cut skin, we're all sleeing again. Whew.
3.) Can sit up a little, maybe for a minute or more, but does tend to topple. He does seem pretty proud of himself when he can stay up for a period of time.
4.) Is slowly doing well with food. He has a really sensitive stomach when it comes to the formula we supplement (and which is slowing taking over his fluid diet...tear), so we have been slow to introduce foods. So far, however, he has had no problems with food. This kid is an eater. For Halloween, he got some new foods in his bag, and they are delicious! No, really, they are. I tried them. Here was his dinner tonight. He cashed this bag in about five miuntes flat, with barely a remnant on his chin and a smile on his face.
5.) Displays symtptoms of Rythmic Movement Disorder (I can't make this stuff up), of which, at 30, I still do, too. The most classic symptom, and one that Leo certainly exhibits, is the banging of his head in his sleep. I would have forgotten to include this, but as I type this, I am listening to the back of the crib banging against the wall in his room.
6.) Outweighs his brother at a year. Seriously. Let's break down his outfit today: Shirt (12-18 months), jeans (12 months), hat (12-18 months). My gentle giant. Just this weekend, someone at the grocery store said "That baby's a heifer!" Come on, now... He's just...well...he's big boned.
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