Well, not really crazy-crazy, but stir crazy, and by "we," I mean "they. The boys. The boys with endless amounts of energy, who know only one speed (fast) and who find the most joy out of running through the house throwing basketballs, teepee-ing the bathroom, and making a splash pool out of any accessible sink. I've dreamt about buying them matching mini-treadmills, on which they'd be required to run for at least an hour. If only such things existed.
I'm pretty adept at monster noises, at floor wrestling, and tossing around little people onto couches, pillows, cushions, the like. But I'm a poor replacement for outdoor play. The confines of this house are not doing anyone any good...so we're getting out. Sort of.
We've booked (or are in the process of selecting) a hotel room, to take the boys for a swimming/pizza/slumber party. We bought them a trampoline that lights up from the bottom and changes colors with each jump (Santa is bringing that this year.) We're considering ice skating, but I worry that little Leo will ended up with a busted lip...or worse. What else can we do to keep these kids busy? The truth is, I kind of enjoy the excuse to make fun plans in the winter. Our summer are packed with so much activity, that come time for cold weather, it's no wonder the boys feel couped up. (Also, while we're out galavanting the city, I always have the excuse of taking care of the baby to excuse myself from any activity I'm not too into...i.e., swimming. Not a chance in a very cold hell that I am putting on a bathing suit 10 weeks after our third child. No.)
WIth Christmas not even two weeks away, I really need to focus on getting this shopping done. (Thank goodness for free shipping.) However, it's hard to stay focused with two tiny monkeys crawling up the walls and hanging from the rafters.
Post-Script: On an unrelated note, I was greeted this morning by the sound of miniature giggles. Patrick had Hatch on a roll, giant smiles and tiny giggles. By the expression on the face of our little boys, it looks as though they have a mutual admiration for each other. God willing, this could be great.
The family. We are a little band of characters trudging through life, sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that binds us all together.
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