It's interesting to me that, less than 48 hours after admitting that I have major short-comings when it comes to being Leo's mother, I feel as though I have had a breakthrough. Now, that is not to say I feel like I'm in the clear, but that we are at least heading somewhere.
A while ago, I posted something about how my advice to people when they are unhappy with something is to fix it. I tried to follow my own advice. And, as fixing things tends to start with fixing one's self, that's what I have tried to do. My approach, admittedly, is terrible. (I fear that I sound all-knowing when I start these posts. Let me assure you that I am not. I'm just really trying to figure all of this out. Having three really different kids means that I have to learn how to be three really different types of mothers. It's confusing to me, too.)
Going on:
So, according to all the research I did (see previous post), there are some tactics for dealing with strong-willed kids that are supposed to work. I am not good at these. However, I tried to make myself good. For the last two days, I have stopped the multi-tasking and really tried to hone in on the kids. 1.) Favor to myself. 2.) Favor to the kids.
When it comes to Leo, he really does need a calm and firm approach. I can't say I'm the best at that with him. But I've gotten better, at least in the past two days. Here is what happens: Leo breaks down. I ask him (calmly) to sit in his room until he is done. He goes, pouts, maybe screams at me for a few minutes and throws a few books. It goes quiet. I hear a few sniffles, and then, "All done, Mommy. All done." (If I could add sounds effects here, I would.)
This worked like a freakin' charm the first day. Today, he backlashed a little bit, but I stayed firm...and calm (though I too felt myself slipping.) His tantrums in his room are becoming shorter and (huge success) he has gone to bed on time three nights in a row. Three. This is (and I hate this word) epic.
I would be an idiot to think that we're all cured. However, I feel as though we could be on the verge of a turn-around. Not that I would turn this little Lion into a calm, easy-going, little hippie baby, but I wouldn't want to, anyway. I love Leo's intensity, his strength, passion, etc. It's who he is, but we have to start learning how to work with each other and not against each other, and we may be getting there.
I felt as though giant strides were made this morning when I woke up to just two of us occupying our bed (the only two who should be.) I almost couldn't believe it, and then it dawned on me that someone probably kidnapped the kids overnight. Doesn't every mother think that at some point? I snuck out of our room to check. There, on the couch, were two little boys, curled up around each other. Their room was empty, but, then again, so was ours. Not a complete success, but we are getting somewhere. Finding my zen, finding my zen...
The family. We are a little band of characters trudging through life, sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that binds us all together.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
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October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died. Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience. And yet, here I sit, fatherless...
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I tried to comment on your post the other day, but it didn't go through. :( I feel like I could have written these posts word for word with V. I remember him at that age and I remember thinking that we were doing something wrong. 2 was rough, 3 was worse and 4 is getting MUCH better. I have found that we have to take the same approach with him. There have been way too many times that I have fallen into the yelling trap with him. He yells, I yell, he yells, I goes no where. It only seems to escalate his behavior. I have since learned (although it took my too long) that a calm, firm, consistent approach with him is what works. I still fail at it sometimes, but when I remember, it makes all the difference in the world. We miss you guys!!!! :(
ReplyDeleteLove that Leo and his will! I have to mother Nina in exactly the same way. Yelling never works with her. Instead a whisper and a consistent calmness. That way she is forced to quiet down in order to hear me and really listen to what I am saying. You are a great mother to all of your extremely different boys:)