Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blog by Numbers

1- Number of times since Adam and I have been married that he has done the grocery shopping...and it's right now. I'm excited at the new foods he will bring home, though I'm certain most of them will be frozen or boxed.

2- Number of people (out of approx. 10) who I actually liked at the cloth diapering meeting I went to yesterday. I realized that it is NOT true that I could be friends with anybody. There are certain people who, because they choose to cloth diaper (and feed their child organically, shop exclusively at Fresh Market, have a stay-at-home arrangement, bathe their child in lavender oil, and claim to have an "advanced" 6 month old who cannot even sit up) feel as though they are superior to every other parent/person they meet.

3- Mornings that I got up early this week to go run. (I actually made it out the door just once.)

4- Hours that I laid around on the Marsh's couch this morning while Josh reacted sourly toward Katie and I for being superbly fun and cool.

1450- Dollars that we will pay the insurance company tomorrow for my continual COBRA coverage. The good news? I will again have insurance (retroactive, but we failed to save any receipts from the last couple of months) and (ta-dah) we're in the clear to have another baby. With baby fever settling in again, that's very good news...even though writing the check hurts a little.

26- Days left until the adult prom.

Update: Adam has returned from the grocery store with (drumroll..........................) lots of frozen goods and boxes. Overall, though, he get's a B+. He's a good man, that Adam Walden.

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October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died.  Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience.  And yet, here I sit, fatherless...