Thursday, December 30, 2010

My cousin and her husband welcomed their first baby today.  It makes me feel all warm-and-fuzzy...the forming of a new family, the magic of the birth day, the whirlwind of it all.  I told Patrick that he had a new cousin, to which he naturally replied "Is it a baby dinosaur?  A red one?  I think I will like a red dinosaur baby!!  Is that true?  Is that true?" 

So here we are, Christmas over and New Year's Day quickly approaching.  I'm already mourning the end of the holidays.  They come and go so fast.  This year, we're ringing in the new year by saying farewell to my sister- and brother-in-law's 62nd street house.  Oh, the times that were had in that house:  My first date with Adam included a quick visit to see the house as Katie and Josh were just moving in.  Soon after, we shared numerous glasses of wine, the wedding planning, the new babies, the late nights, and dance parties.  Cookouts, bonfires, and lazy days = good times, good times.  I feel like there should be a picture montage to properly say goodbye (you work on that, Katie.  I know you will.)

Just in time for the party, my face will hopefully be mostly healed.  The chapped eyelids I mentioned earlier actually ended up being the start to an allergic what I was using to soothe them:  the vasoline, I believe.  The more I used, the worse it got, so the more I used, and the worse it got.  See this vicious cycle?  The day after Christmas, I woke up with little oozing slits for eyes.  Seriously.  (Adam woke up, too, with a "Oooh, Catie...your eyes...")  Slowly, they have been healing.  The accompanying face rash is also drying up.  My lips look good, though.  Nice and puffy.  Granted, that's the only part of my face that did benefit from the reaction, but if I ever need a quick collagen look, I know where to turn.   As of this morning, the swelling is mostly gone, my eyes are a little scaly (but manageable) and I am beginning to see my eyelashes again.  (I would post pictures, but to be honest, I am far too vain to do that.  I have barely left the house in a week.)

Here are a few pics from Christmas morning (again, courtesy of KM...where would I be without her and her excellent photo-taking).  I'll post Christmas Eve (Hatcher) pics soon:

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October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died.  Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience.  And yet, here I sit, fatherless...