Saturday, May 14, 2011

May, May, Party Today?

Wow.  Neglect.  Sorry about that.  This week just kind of got away from me, as it was jam-packed with "stuff."  From Leo's birthday, to Katie's surprise birthday party, Mother's Day, new job...we've been a little on the busy side.  Here are some highlights:

                                                                  Leo's Party!

Then, came Katie's surprise birthday party:

This one is classic Katie dancing.  Tired and pregnant, I am sorry to have missed this.  I am happy, however, for the proof that the dance party that ensued was excellent.  Please see my brother-in-law, Alex, and friend, Chris, below.  Truly excellent.  Happy birthday indeed!!

And then, Mother's Day!  Our annual mom/kid photo:

Then, this week, I started my new job.  While I haven't started "on the floor" just yet, I honestly feel as though I'm going to love it.  I feel like I'm where I am supposed to be.  And, although I am probably ten years older than most of the other students I was hired on with, it's a great group of people who certainly don't take this awesome opportunity for granted.  Things are good. 

We also had our first ultrasound (this post is truly a own fault...sorry again.)  Things went well.  The baby is in a transverse position, laying horizontally, and facing my spine.  Getting a good picture was rather hard.  We got a couple, though!  (There was an interesting position required for any possibility of a face shot, but we managed.)  At one point, the specialist was called in to look at a "spot" on the baby's brain...a dark black area in the left hemisphere that made my heart sink.  However, the specialist confirmed that it was completely normal and nothing to worry about.  Still, I left with a feeling of dread, which only now has started to fade.  I hate that, thanks to an overwhelming interest in Mother/Baby classes, I have now been formally educated about all of the things that can go wrong in pregnancy.  I hate it, but I'll get used to it.  Our child-bearing days won't last too much longer, anyway.  I guess that's good, as far as the excessive worry goes. 

BUT, things seems ok.  I went in positive this baby was a girl (this entire pregnancy has been very different), but left the ultrasound positive that it's a boy.  We don't know for sure, so I guess we'll see!  (Either way, I am really excited about the name, so I am happy that we're covered there.  I hate having a great name that we can't use, but I'm happy that both a boy and a girl would have a pretty strong one.  Good feeling.)  Here are a few pics of our new little one, measuring about a week ahead (they all do), and kind of smiley, though I don't think we got any good pics of the practice smiles. 

So, there it is!  That's a summation of the last week.  I'll try to keep things a little more updated in the future.  Promise.  

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