Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Oh, Leo...

My guess is that I have appoximately seven minutes to write this, as Leo is currently up-and-at-'em, which means a clean-up is likely due soon.  However, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge Leo.  Our little Gorilla.  Sweet Leo.

He gets a bad rap.  By me.  Leo is not as bad as I make him seem (though should any one of our children ever be responsible for accidentally setting fire to a local bowling alley, it would be Leo.  It hasn't happened...yet, but it could.)  He is funny and clever, affectionate and no-nonsense.  He's solidly built and quite witty for a little guy of few words.

His talking has taken off recently, though he still talks much less than Patrick ever did.  His verbal skills remind me of Yoda, if he would have been Native American.  (That sounds completely racist, but this method works!  It does.)  He's good at putting together sentences, though he likes to use the minimum number of words to get his point across.  For example:

Just a few minutes ago, Leo (whose new fascination is pouring water in and on everything) poured a glass on his baby brother.  When I hollered out "Leo!" his explaination came like this.  "Water went 'whish.'  Baby say 'ooh.'"  Which, in his defense is exactly what happened.  Currently, he is repeating, "Outside to go.  Jump and jump" (which means I want to go outside and jump on the trampoline.)

This kid is incredible.  He keeps me moving.  A lot.  If it weren't for the fact that I really love food, I would look like a Sports Illustrated Swiumsuit model from all of my constant activity.  In the middle of a giant mess of dog food/water/toys he will shrug his shoulders with a big, beautiful grin and say, "Loooo-ooove."  He instantly stops a tantrum with an "I'm sawwy," if it means he will get a treat.  He jumps off any surface with a decent amount of grace for a 22-month-old and, as I found out today, is more adept than I am at cracking eggs. 

Thank God for Leo.  Should he ever set fire to a bowling alley, I'd love him all the same.  Maybe more.  It would just be so...Leo.


  1. i love your stories because they are just like mine. except if you can imagine patrick's verbal skills matched with leo's gorillaness, THAT is my first-born. i am not sure what i would have done if aila turned out to be just like nolan, but thankfully she is laid-back sweetness. keep on fighting!! :)

  2. I feel the same way about your stories! I think Nolan could be great friends with these boys. I love, love, love the strong personalities, but am thankful to have the quiet, happy little lover baby thrown in the mix! I like to think that God saw what we were up against and gave us a break. :)



October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died.  Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience.  And yet, here I sit, fatherless...