Monday, October 3, 2011

Just a Few Things to Note

First, I am still pregnant.  Not that I shouldn't be, but I am. With sporadic contractions, I have noticed that the position of this baby appears less than ideal. I really hope it moves. I tried my own hand at an external version of sorts today with a little luck...for about four minutes. I am beginning to think I will carry this baby right up to my due date. Is that ok? Absolutely. Does it make me happy? Not entirely.

Next, I start work four weeks from today. Perhaps that decision was a little ambitious, but I am so excited about it that I care very little. I cannot wait to have a job. A great job. A great job that I have dreamed of having for years. Me=extremely fortunate.

Finally, and completely unrelated, Adam and I really need to start using each other's first names. I mean it. We found out we were expecting Baby Patrick exactly six months into our marriage, so we really have grown together as parents the last several years, and spent a relatively short period of time as just a couple. Perhaps it is that reason that we refer to each other as some derivative of "mom" and "dad". For example, I called Adam from the grocery store last night to see if he preferred item A over item B, and the conversation started like this:

Adam: Hello, Mother.
Catie: Hi, Father. We seriously have to stop doing this.
Adam: I know, Mama.

There is no end in sight. We are not our parents, we are our grandparents. And while it's wonderful to be such a solid team, there is little romance to be had when you call each other by the same names as you would the people who raised you. Truth.

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October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died.  Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience.  And yet, here I sit, fatherless...