Monday, September 10, 2012

From Last Week. Forgot to Post. Oops!

Here I sit, knowing that I really need to write something down, but once again not knowing what.  We're plenty busy, don't get me wrong, but I feel uber-pressure to be inspiring or pull something from deep down inside and I don't have that right now.  What I have is a collection of mundane events and happenings, all of which make up the life of the Waldens.  Sorry if it's boring.  It's what I've got. 
This weekend marked what will likely be my last at the job I so loved for almost a year.  The people, I loved.  The shift, I loved.  The snuggling of lots of lots of little babies, I loved.  The way I felt after working all weekend, sleep deprived and grumpy and feeling like I was failing my family...I didn't love.  So, when I got offered another job with better hours and the opportunity to delve into pediatrics, I couldn't turn it down.  I just couldn't.  And now that my start date is under a week away , I am honestly in a moderately anxious state, wondering if I made the right decision.  (Note: I have, as of lately, developed a new habit of anxiety.  I don't know where this came from, but I really don't like it.  I'm going to burn out my adrenal glands, the way that I am going. Breathe, Catie, breathe.)  Not to be deterred, I am very, very excited for new ventures.  And new hours.  And less hours.  And the smaller paycheck?  Well, we'll deal.
Here are a few "life" snippets from my weekend.
A rainbow on my way in for my second-to-last night.
My locker after I had removed all of my pictures and "moved out."  So sad.
My favorite massage chair, to which I would sneak away between 4am and 6am when I just needed a 15 minute nap.
My last walk in the Sky Ramp.
My "fancy" going-away party, hosted by some lovely co-workers (you know who you are).  Wouldn't this make you feel special, too?

So, on to new adventures.  I have had this week off, and while I had grand plans for it, so far, there has been a lot of hanging out.  And grocery shopping.  (How can tiny people eat so damn much?  I will never understand.)  And one seemingly broken finger.  But I digress.
Do you know what is awesome?  These people I share a house with.  Patrick is back in school and doing so well.  His teacher tells me of how smart he is and how well he is doing.  Leo has continued growing out of his terrible twos and is so funny and sweet, and continually romantic (borderline creepy, but sweet.)  William is my forever-baby, sweet and loving, but starting to grow into a toddler.  He's growing to be a bit sly and sneaky, with a joyful sense of humor (naturally) and an easy nature.  He is, however, increasingly difficult to snuggle while he sleeps.  That boy is restless.  And Adam.  Adam.  There are not enough good things to say about Adam.  Instead of the seven year itch, it seems as though we have gone the opposite direction.  Adam's frequent traveling has made us appreciate him more.  Adam is a wonderful husband.  He's a better father.  We're happy he belongs to us.  (And if you have never heard Adam's laugh, you are missing out.  I may have married him just for that.) 

The end.

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