Patrick John Edward made his grand entrance into this world and into our family on February 6, 2008 at 6:14pm. I have a hard time even typing this without starting to cry...
First of all, he's perfect. Perfect. We went to the doctor this past Tuesday morning for a check-up to find out that it didn't look very promising that our little bundle was going to make it here without some extra help, so we scheduled an induction for this coming Tuesday, February 12. Though I was initially really upset about it, it gave me an end in sight and things were looking to be ok. Early Wednesday morning, I woke up to a strange feeling...not in too much pain, but like something big was happening. I stayed awake for a while trying to figure out what I was going to do if, in fact, I was in the process of having this baby. Seeing as how it was Ash Wednesday, Adam and I were planning on going to church that morning at 7:40am. I woke Adam up to tell him what was going on, and that maybe it would be a good idea to go to the 6:30 Mass in the event I was in labor. (At this point, I thought I still had plenty of time.) By 6am, I figured I didn't, so I woke him up again to tell him that we weren't going to make it to Mass. From that point on, things just started to progress. I took a shower and watched the news, having to pause every few minutes and breathe through a contraction. I waited until just after nine to go to the hospital, and things started to roll.
All in all, it was a really easy labor and delivery. I consider myself and baby Patrick to be very fortunate. Twenty-three minutes of pushing time, including a 10-minute break in the middle because my little man seemed to be in a hurry to get there, and risked beating the doctor. Thanks to the efforts of modern medicine, I wasn't too uncomfortable, though. At 6:14pm, the doctor told me to take a deep breath. With both Adam and I laughing and crying at the same time, and putting forth as much effort as I had in me, we soon heard a "Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby boy." By habit, I covered my eyes and broke down into tears, as did Adam. They placed then-nameless Patrick on my chest and my first thought was that he was a mini-Adam. He's beautiful. Affectionate and happy...and an aggressive little eater.
For just under 24 hours, Patrick was known as Baby Boy Walden. The entire time I was pregnant (minus that last week or two) a baby boy meant a baby Henry for us. However, after much deliberation, we finally named him Patrick John Edward. He's named after both my grandfather, John Edward Lex, and Adam's grandfather, Edward Rutterer. Patrick came about because we had talked about it in my last days of pregnancy...and he was born to an Irish family, on a Catholic Holy Day, with light red hair. It seemed only fitting.
His first couple of days have been a blur. He's already managed to squeeze in a couple of sports games on TV with daddy, and makes plenty of time to cuddle with mama. I can't believe we're a little family. It's hard to imagine things any better right now. As always, life is good.
I wrote the text above just a few days after my son was born, and Patrick John Edward turned one today. Technically, I guess he hasn't turned one yet (that'll be at 6:14pm), but it's happening today anyway. I don't think that prompted me to start a blog, though. Unfortunately, coinciding with Patrick's birthday is my stomach flu. I believe THAT is what prompted me to start a blog. I am literally bored out of my mind. I'm going stir crazy. I should be enjoying the day with my little boy, and instead (thanks to my helpful family), he spent the morning with his Nana Walden and is now with his Aunt Leeney, getting introduced to Chik-fil-A and playing at the mall playground. I, on the other hand, am stuck at home on the couch, trying not to throw up. Colleen did swear to have him home by 6, though, so I should be able to see him for a little bit.
After spending all day napping yesterday, I had a hard time falling asleep last night. Instead of trying harder, I decided to wake up Patrick and spend a little one-on-one time with him. We snuggled and watched TV. (Note: I know it might not have been the best idea, as I'm certainly crawling with infectious germs. However, I'm also certain he has been exposed to it already. Either he'll get it or he won't.) It's been a long time since Patrick has just laid on my chest and rested, and I'm happy that we were able to do it last night, just the two of us. Every now and again, he would lift his head up and look at me, almost to make sure I was still awake, and then he'd put his head back down. If I looked back at him, he just smiled. He really is my tiny, sweet, little man. It seems as though this year has gone by too fast.
A year ago today, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Not a clue. I wasn't scared at all; I've been around children (loads of children) my entire life. I knew I could handle it. I just didn't know what it took to take care of an infant 24 hours a day. There are no breaks, no vacations, and barely an afternoon out the first few months. However, the bond that Patrick and I formed early on, and the place that he's made in our family and in our hearts is irreplaceable. Everyone warned me that I would forget what life was like before Patrick. I don't think that's true. I remember very clearly what life was like before Patrick. I just don't think I would want to go back there.
Having a child in our life has been more than a blessing; it's been a pure (albeit noisy) miracle.
Before I run out of energy, Happy Birthday, Patrick John Edward Walden. Your daddy and I can't begin to tell you how much we love you. Our whole life has been leading up to having you in it. You are our entire world, and our favorite person in it.
After spending all day napping yesterday, I had a hard time falling asleep last night. Instead of trying harder, I decided to wake up Patrick and spend a little one-on-one time with him. We snuggled and watched TV. (Note: I know it might not have been the best idea, as I'm certainly crawling with infectious germs. However, I'm also certain he has been exposed to it already. Either he'll get it or he won't.) It's been a long time since Patrick has just laid on my chest and rested, and I'm happy that we were able to do it last night, just the two of us. Every now and again, he would lift his head up and look at me, almost to make sure I was still awake, and then he'd put his head back down. If I looked back at him, he just smiled. He really is my tiny, sweet, little man. It seems as though this year has gone by too fast.
A year ago today, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Not a clue. I wasn't scared at all; I've been around children (loads of children) my entire life. I knew I could handle it. I just didn't know what it took to take care of an infant 24 hours a day. There are no breaks, no vacations, and barely an afternoon out the first few months. However, the bond that Patrick and I formed early on, and the place that he's made in our family and in our hearts is irreplaceable. Everyone warned me that I would forget what life was like before Patrick. I don't think that's true. I remember very clearly what life was like before Patrick. I just don't think I would want to go back there.
Before I run out of energy, Happy Birthday, Patrick John Edward Walden. Your daddy and I can't begin to tell you how much we love you. Our whole life has been leading up to having you in it. You are our entire world, and our favorite person in it.
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