Monday, November 29, 2010

It's 9am on Monday morning.  The dishes are done, both kids are fed, one down for a nap, chili is in the crockpot, and I'm just sitting down with Patrick and a large cup of tea to watch "A Christmas Story."  Does Thanksgiving break really have to end?  Really?  Is it too late to convince Adam that I would make a really good homemaker?

I have been so tired of being tired. I am tired of feeling like my fuse is short and just kind of run down. This last week off from school has really made a difference in my perspective.  It has also brought to my attention how "off" I have been the last couple of months. It's like someone who has been sick for a long time not even realizing how bad she feels until she gets some meds. Simple time with the boys, with Adam and with our families has made a big difference. I have time to make coffee (and to drink the whole cup), time to do the dishes, time to cook and take my time getting the wee ones to bed. I feel like myself again. I feel like Adam and I are going strong. I feel like the boys are happy little people. And, come Wednesday, I'll dive back into school for another few weeks. And I'll probably start to feel a little absent again...and then Christmas break. Were ever sweeter words written? I.  Am.  So.  Ready.

Here is my little tidbit for the day: If you know someone in school, especially in nursing school, be nice to them. It's not easy. It makes them crazy. What's worse is that they might not even know they have gone a little crazy. It's not their fault they are so high-strung. Just cut 'em a little break. As it stands, they probably get few.

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October, 2019 Nearly seven weeks ago, my dad died.  Writing that seems as surreal as the actual experience.  And yet, here I sit, fatherless...